Rotary Club of Calcutta Avyanna Leads the Charge against Cervical Cancer with Vaccination Drive

Kolkata, 23, August 2024 : The Rotary Club of Calcutta Avyanna, in collaboration with the Cancer Foundation of India, conducted a cervical vaccination camp at Children’s Welfare Association High School for Girls, Taalpukur, where 100 underprivileged girls were immunized against cervical cancer. The camp took place with the mission to protect these girls from a disease that remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in India.

During the event, two doses of the cervical cancer vaccine were administered, offering these young girls a vital shield against the debilitating effects of the disease. The initiative was a significant step towards bridging the gap in cervical cancer prevention for the underprivileged, ensuring these girls are empowered to lead healthy, lives. This camp was a testament to the Rotary Club of Calcutta Avyanna’s ongoing dedication to women’s health, education, and empowerment.

Speaking on the occasion, Chandreyi Mitra, President, Rotary Club of Calcutta Avyanna , commented “We believe that by taking proactive steps towards cancer prevention, we are not just protecting individual lives but shaping a brighter future for entire community. This vaccination camp is a part of our broader commitment to creating a healthier, cancer-free tomorrow.”

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