Godrej Industries Group Launches Jane Goodall Institute’s India Youth Council Programme

India, November 19, 2024: Godrej Industries Group has announced the launch of Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) India’s Youth Council Programme. Launched in presence of Burjis Godrej, Executive Director, Godrej Agrovet Limited and Dr Jane Goodall, renowned primatologist & anthropologist. Council members from across India will run their own self-directed initiatives and provide input across program initiation and related communications through the Roots & Shoots program. Roots & Shoots, a program of the JGI, is a global movement that aims to bring together the youth from all walks of life for one goal – the betterment of our environment.

Commenting on the launch, Burjis Godrej who will serve as a mentor for the initiative said, “We are excited to inaugurate, the JGI’s India Youth Advisory Council. Rooted in empathy and kindness, this council stands for every act of goodness, whether it’s protecting our environment, advancing animal welfare, or supporting any cause that makes a positive difference.”

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